OUr History

       In the late 1600's, a little band of sixteen Welsh Baptist joined together to form a church in Wales. They set sail on the "William and Mary" in 1701 in search of more freedom of worship. After landing in Pennsylvania, they moved to Carolina where the small band settled on the east side of the Pee Dee River, about fourteen miles from what was known as Cheraw Hill. Here in 1738, the Welsh Neck Baptist Church was established. This historical church answered the call of Luther Rice (buried near Saluda, SC) to organize the State Women's Missionary Union and later sent representatives to Augusta, GA to organize the Southern Baptist Convention.

       On January 5, 1782, thirteen members of Welsh Neck Baptist Church were released to constitute a new church called the Cheraw Hill Baptist Church that began on January 12, 1782 and became part of the Charleston Baptist Association. For three years, they met in the Old Saint David's Episcopal Church until their first building in 1785. On January 15, 1834 the name was formally changed to Cheraw First Baptist Church. 

       This is just a snapshot of a rich history of Cheraw First. Through the years, this church has remained a fixture in the culture and community of the town of Cheraw. From this little town on the banks of the Pee Dee River, the gospel has and continues to go forth not only in this community, but to our state, nation, and to the uttermost. We stand on the shoulders of those that have gone before us. While we are grateful for the rich heritage of our past, we look forward to what God will do in our midst for His glory.